LR Who Cares

Liverpool Responds: Who Cares? What kind of life after COVID-19?

11:00am - 12:15pm / Thursday 28th January 2021 / Online event
Type: Webinar / Category: Public / Series: Liverpool Responds
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The prospect of a successful vaccine has brought renewed hope to many people during the continuing COVID-19 crisis. But even if these vaccines are as successful as hoped, the huge social, health and economic challenges raised by the pandemic will not have disappeared, and must be confronted to ensure a healthier, fairer, more sustainable society in future.

This discussion - initiated by The Metropolitan Cathedral and Liverpool Cathedral in collaboration with the University of Liverpool’s Heseltine Institute - will examine these issues, reflecting on the role of the Churches in a post-COVID world and ask how we can all help to rebuild the Liverpool City Region.

Building on the reflections of Pope Francis in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the event will consider the following questions:

• What kind of life do we want after COVID?

• What has the pandemic done to relationships and connections - individually and institutionally?

• Why is working together across the City Region so important and how can we do it better in future?

• What contribution can the Churches as crucial partners best make?

The Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm McMahon and the Bishop of Liverpool Paul Bayes will make the opening contributions. A panel including Denise Barret-Baxendale (Chief Executive, Everton Football Club), Professor Gerald Pillay (Vice-Chancellor, Liverpool Hope University), Lesley Martin-Wright (Chief Executive, Knowsley Chamber of Commerce), Zia Chaudry (Director of the Foundation for Citizenship at LJMU) and Tony Reeves (Chief Executive, Liverpool City Council) will respond. The discussion will be chaired by the Professor Michael Parkinson from the University of Liverpool.

The event is presented by Liverpool Responds, the University of Liverpool’s online event series designed to highlight the continuing response to the pandemic by its academics as well as its high profile alumni, stakeholders and civic partners.