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Panel: Black Lives Matter and HE

6:00pm - 7:30pm / Wednesday 4th November 2020
Type: Seminar / Category: Department / Series: Black History Month
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This event is open to staff, students and the public and will be chaired by Dr Leona Vaughn and will discuss three main issues relating to racial equity and higher education:

1. The main concerns and barriers for Black prospective students, current students and staff in Higher Education.
2. The actions Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) should be taking to address them.
3. Exploring support systems between Black staff/student/community members and identifying what non-Black staff/students/community members can do in solidarity with anti-racism.

During the event you can expect interesting and informing discussions from:

• Dr. Angela Obasi, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
• Adnan Hussain, President at Liverpool Guild of Students
• Chantelle Lunt, Merseyside Black Lives Matter Alliance/Current LJMU student
• Luc Bostock, University and Colleges Union (UCU)
• Gloria Hyatt MBE, Teach. Consultancy
• Nasra Elliot, Liverpool Black History Research Group
• Moni Akinsanya, Liverpool John Moores University

If you have any requests or queries regarding this event, please email