Deb Guest

Deborah Guest, Animal Health Trust. 'Pluripotent stem cells: Could they be used to aid tendon repair?' Host: Mandy Peffers

1:00pm - 2:00pm / Wednesday 13th November 2019 / Venue: William Henry Duncan Apex Building
Type: Seminar / Category: Research / Series: Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease seminar series
  • 0151 794 9003
  • Suitable for: Staff and students. Talk should be of interest to anyone in the fields of stem cells, veterinary medicine, tissue repair or orthopaedics.
  • Admission: Free to staff and students
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Dr Debbie is Head of Stem Cell research at the Animal Health Trust. Her research aims to utilise stem cells in veterinary medicine both for therapeutic applications and as a tool to study inherited diseases. This talk will provide an overview of her research into equine embryonic stem cells and their potential application for treating tendon injuries in horses. As in humans, tendon injuries are common in equine athletes and they heal via the formation of biomechanically inferior scar tissue, which predisposes horses to a high rate of re-injury. Novel therapies to reduce scar tissue repair and encourage tissue regeneration would lower re-injury rates and have a significant welfare benefit for horses.