Shadow Heroes

'All About Register: Translating Slang' with Shadow Heroes

2:00pm - 4:00pm / Wednesday 11th April 2018
Type: Workshop / Category: Department / Series: Modern Languages and Cultures Seminar Series
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Location: Lecture Theatre 1, South Campus Teaching Hub

This workshop will explore how no language is a discrete entity, that we have an intrinsic understanding of linguistic variation and code-switch between registers naturally. We aim to introduce a broader view of linguistic variation and politics through group discussion and hands-on translation-based activities.

About the speaker

Gitanjali Patel is a translator and field researcher. She graduated from Oxford University in Spanish and Portuguese and has been translating from these languages since 2010. She translates in a range of media, from film scripts and radio programmes to fiction, including stories by Luisa Geisler published in Litro magazine, Miriam Mambrini, Fernanda Torres and a novel by Gisele Joras.