Paul Chazot

IACD meeting & Seminar. Dr Paul L Chazot, Associate Professor in Pharmacology, Durham University. 'Revisiting histamine in diabetic nephropathy.'

12:45pm - 1:45pm / Friday 30th June 2017 / Venue: G12 - G15, Ground floor, William Henry Duncan (Apex) Apex Building
Type: Seminar / Category: Research / Series: Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease seminar series
  • 0151 794 9003
  • Suitable for: Staff and students
  • Admission: Free to staff and students
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Dr Paul L Chazot FBPhS, Associate Professor in Pharmacology, Department of Biosciences, Durham University
Associate Director, Wolfson Research Institute for Health & Wellbeing
President, European Histamine Research Society
Vice Chair, EU COST Action BM0806 - histamine research
Chair, NC-IUPHAR subcommittee - Histamine pharmacology
My research group has focused for the last 18 years on the identification, characterisation and validation of novel drug targets for the treatment of the major chronic CNS and metabolic pathologies. We are developing novel therapeutics based on natural products including plant- and light-based treatments & we also have developed novel validated all-in-one behavioural tests for preclinical assessment.

Host: Vanja Pekovic-Vaughan