Criminal Justice Unit launch: Political change and criminal justice in Liverpool and beyond
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The event will feature a keynote address from world-renowned criminologist, CJU member and the new Head of Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology at UoL, Professor Shadd Maruna (abstract below). This will be followed by a talk from CJU directors, Professor Anna Carline and Dr Ellen Reeves and an opportunity for networking at the end of the event.
Keynote address abstract
Prof Shadd Maruna, the newly arrived Head of School in Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology in the School of Law and Social Justice last lived on Merseyside from around 1994 to 1998 as a PhD student. In this talk, he will compare the crime and justice scene in the Liverpool he knew then with the new city he has returned to thirty years hence. In some ways, the two eras (both featuring the transition from a long Conservative rule to a new Labour government) have much in common. Yet, in other ways, they are very different worlds. The talk will speculate what the current trends might suggest for the next 30 years of crime and justice in Merseyside and beyond.