Professor Catherine Rowett

ACE Postgate Lecture: Professor Catherine Rowett'

5:15pm - 7:00pm / Tuesday 13th February 2024 / Venue: Lecture Theatre C Central Teaching Hub
Type: Lecture / Category: Department
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It is great pleasure to confirm details of Postgate Lecture for 2023-24, hosted by the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (ACE) at the University of Liverpool. We will be welcoming back a past colleague in ACE, Professor Catherine Rowett, who has been teaching Philosophy at the University of East Anglia since leaving Liverpool in 2003 and was also a Green MEP in the European Parliament from 2019-20.

The lecture takes place at 5.15 on Tuesday 13 February in Lecture Theatre C, Central Teaching Hub. The title is:

"Ownership, property and belonging: Some lessons to learn from thinkers of antiquity about economics and success”

The lecture will be followed by a reception for everyone attending.

Please sign up for this event on Ticketsource.