Viking Society Student Conference

Viking Society Student Conference

10:30am - 5:30pm / Saturday 15th April 2023 / Venue: GFlex Central Teaching Hub
Type: Conference / Category: Department
  • Admission: £10 (includes lunch and refreshments) CASH on the door, please pre-register by emailing with your name and dietary requirements.
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Includes the following presentations:
• Christian Cooijmans - Just off the Mark: (Re)Imagining Viking Activity in Late Medieval Breda
• Elizabeth West - More than just spectators: investigating the diverse roles of women in viking encampments
• Ian Russell - Viking Woodstown: New Perspectives on Old Interpretations
• Ed Moore - Networks, Viewsheds and Stone Sculpture: The Landscape of Early Medieval Stone Sculpture in Nithsdale, Dumfriesshire
• Jacob O’Neill - Churches and Parishes of Wirral in the Viking Age: Continuity or Reorganisation?
• Hannah Burrows - Hidden Feelings: Uncovering Emotions in Medieval Nordic Law
There will also be a bookstall.