Taking Part
Are you the owner/carer of an older horse interested in taking part?
We would like to speak to people who have experience of owning or caring for an older horse (aged 15 years or older) and making decisions about their management and health care. If you have previously lost an older horse we would like to chat to you about how the journey to this point occurred and how the experience has impacted on you. If you own a horse residing at a retirement livery, or own/run a retirement yard yourself, we would also encourage you to contact us.
Taking part will involve an informal individual interview where we will discuss your experiences and what you feel is important when caring for an older horse. Please email Rebecca.smith2@liverpool.ac.uk and we will provide you will further details.
Are you a veterinary surgeon interested in taking part?
If you are a vet interested in taking part in our research project then we would like to hear from you. Please email Rebecca.smith2@liverpool.ac.uk for further details.