Honours for Nobel Prize winner and Head of British Horseracing

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Biological scientist and Nobel Prize winner, Sir Paul Nurse and Chairman of the British Horseracing Authority, Paul Roy, will receive honorary degrees from the University of Liverpool.

Sir Paul Nurse is one of the UK’s leading biological scientists, recognised for his work on the molecular machineries that control cell division and cell shape.  As a post-doctoral researcher in Edinburgh he undertook groundbreaking study into the reproductive mechanism of yeast cells, proving, for the first time, that reproduction in these cells was the same in humans and all living things.

His discovery also had significant implications for cancer research by helping to improve understanding of how cancer cells divide, which could lead to more effective treatments for the disease.  Sir Paul is currently President of the Rockefeller University in New York, one of the world’s leading scientific research institutions. 

Paul Roy is Chairman of the British Horseracing Authority (BHA), which is responsible for the governance and regulation of the UK’s second largest sport.  The BHA represents several interest groups, including racecourses and racehorse owners, and negotiates with bookmakers and the Government on the annual levy contributions that help finance the sport. 

Paul is founding partner of NewSmith Capital Partners, which manages money for institutional clients and pension funds through a range of investment strategies from its offices in London, Singapore and Tokyo.  As a University of Liverpool economics graduate, he was instrumental in the establishment of the institution’s Management School in 2003.  

The graduation ceremonies will also see the inauguration of the University’s new Chancellor, Sir David King.  Sir David advised the Government on issues such as the Foot and Mouth epidemic, GM foods and post 9/11 risks to the UK, as well as energy provision and innovation during his time as Chief Scientific Adviser from 2000 to 2007.  He is currently Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment at the University of Oxford.

The honorary degrees will be conferred at the Philharmonic Hall.

Notes to editors:

1. Members of the media are welcome to attend the Philharmonic Hall prior to each event for interviews/photographs. Please contact Samantha Martin on the number below if you plan to attend. Please arrive at the back entrance of the Philharmonic Hall at the time indicated below:
Chancellor, Sir David King - 9.00am
Sir Paul Nurse – 9.00am
Paul Roy – 12.00pm

2. The University of Liverpool is a member of the Russell Group of leading research-intensive institutions in the UK. It attracts collaborative and contract research commissions from a wide range of national and international organisations valued at more than £93 million annually.