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Mark is an urban planner and applied social scientist who acts as an authority on integration in policy, plan and programme production processes, and has an extensive experience of working both with and within central/local government on projects to successfully deliver timely and original insights of problems transcending the policy cycle.

Mark has completed a PhD investigating the integration between land use and transport policy, plan and programmes across Merseyside at the University of Liverpool. He has previously worked at Cranfield University in Bedfordshire on environmental risk governance in both central and local government, and also at Prifsgol Bangor University in Wales where he conducted a meta-ethnography on implementation research across health research.

Mark specialises in qualitative research methods to investigate the human-structure interface. This has involved synthesising insights from interviews and data in order to fathom what works (and equally does not work). He is currently working on the SUBDENSE (suburban densification) research project.