World-leading research

We are well-known for our work in fields such as Geohazards & Tectonics, Future Energy, Deep Earth, Oceans & Climate, Ecosystem Dynamics, Power Space and Cultural Change, Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment, Geographic Data Science, Environmental Change, and Sustainable Cities Coasts and Oceans.

Our ethos is to undertake research to understand better the physical and human processes shaping our environment and communities, the cognition and utilisation of these processes to support decision-making, and to predict the trajectories and causes of future change.

Research in the School of Environmental Sciences sits within the two Departments and seven mature, inclusive, vibrant, and cognate Research Groups that drive our research excellence. Our interdisciplinary ambition is reflected in our leading roles in University Strategy 2026 Research Themes: Climate FuturesInfectious Diseases, and Digitaland the Faculty of Science and Engineering’s Priority Research Challenges of Risk and UncertaintyCoasts and Oceans, Autonomy, Simulation and Networks and Energy.

Earth Sciences Students drawing maps

Earth Sciences

Ocean Sciences Looking at ocean sciences

Oceans and Climate

Ecology and Marine Biology Ecology and marine biology

Ecology and Marine Biology


Environmental Change

Planning, Environmental Assessment and Management

Planning, Environmental Assessment and Management


Power, Space & Cultural Change

If you want to work at the forefront of your field in environmental sciences, as an ambitious researcher or talented academic, this is the place to develop your skills and make a difference to the world. Join us and you'd be part of a body routinely consulted by Government, industry and policy groups on key environmental and ecological questions. This diversity creates an exciting atmosphere for inspiring research and teaching, and a valuable source of expertise for government and industry.