Why did you choose to study at the University of Liverpool?
I chose to study at Liverpool for my undergraduate studies and haven’t left since! I love the vibrant city culture and the English department, the staff, research interests and expertise are well matched with my current line of research. My Undergraduate and master’s courses were rigorous and demanding, providing me with the opportunity to expand upon my research findings in my thesis.
What’s the best thing about studying your programme?
The culture of the department is so friendly and accommodating; I know I can approach any member of staff for advice and guidance with my research and they will be happy to help.
How do the facilities and/or staff help you with your studies?
The flexibility to be independent with my research. My supervisors are brilliant, and they support me to pursue my interests whilst ensuring that I stay on track – a PhD is a marathon, not a sprint!
What has been your highlight of your time at Liverpool so far?
The personal highlight of my time at Liverpool has probably been meeting some fantastic friends during my Undergraduate studies who I am still in touch with. Professionally, a high point has also been the opportunity to identify a line of research that has seen me through the last four years of my PhD and hopefully will form the start of my academic career.
How do you believe undertaking postgraduate study will help your career prospects?
Undertaking postgraduate study has indelibly shaped my career prospects, encouraging me to consider the different options available to me in the Higher Education sector. It is a challenging time for researchers and research institutions at the moment but if you think this could be the path for you then go for it!
What advice would you give to anybody considering postgraduate study at Liverpool?
It’s a vibrant city with an equally vibrant campus, and the people and opportunities waiting for you reflect that. Continuing your studies has the power to change your outlook and way of thinking about things to a new level, so say yes to everything, volunteer, and get stuck in; you won’t regret it.
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