Postgraduate English

Postgraduate research opportunities 

English at Liverpool provides an inspiring setting in which to pursue postgraduate research. We offer opportunities to study creative writing and literature from a wide variety of periods and genres, and a range of approaches to understanding the way in which the English language works. You will be supervised by leading experts who draw on cutting-edge research to inform their academic practice. 

Research degrees 

Find a PhD, MPhil or MD programme. Looking for MRes programmes? 

Learn more about the Creative Writing PhD

  • Award options: PhD 
  • Subject area: Arts and Humanities 
  • Available part time.

Learn more about the English PhD / MPhil

  • Award options: MPhil / PhD 
  • Subject area: Arts and Humanities 
  • Available part time.

There is also the possibility of students sharing their time between the University of Liverpool and Paris-Diderot University and receiving a dual award. 

Our research interests and specialisms are further reflected in several research seminar series for staff, postgraduate research students and the wider academic community, as well as through different outreach and impact work with local, national and international stakeholders. 

PhD scholarships and awards 

If you are planning to undertake a postgraduate research degree you may need to seek financial support from a variety of sources, such as loans or scholarships. The University is able to offer a range of PhD scholarships and awards to home and international students.  

In recent years the Department of English has also had a number of scholarships available to new students, including the Miriam Allott Doctoral Awards (covering home tuition fees and maintenance for full-time study) and the JIC Davies BAME doctoral Scholarship in English (designed to provide assistance with fees and maintenance for a PGR student from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background). Students applying to any of our PhD programmes are also eligible to apply for the Liverpool School of the Arts Doctoral Award (LADA), which is designed to provide excellent UK and international PhD students with financial assistance for fees and maintenance, as well as to help them develop professional skills in publication, teaching and impact activity. 

The list below outlines the various awards, eligibility criteria, award amounts and application details that are currently available to applicants. 

Find a scholarship 

Who to contact 

Professor Sarah Peverley (for English Literature and Creative Writing) 

Dr Emma Moreton (for English Language and TESOL) 

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