Call for Papers: European Migrants in the UK in the Brexit Era: Discursive Approaches

The existing literature on Brexit has covered the experiences of EU migrants mostly within the social sciences, focusing on biographies and life plans (Duda-Mikulin 2019; Rzepinkowska 2022; Lulle et al. 2022; Varriale 2023) but has made limited use of discourse-based analysis and has given limited space to questions of language. On the other hand, the discourse- and language-based literature on Brexit has mostly focused on the analysis of political debates, particularly in media (Koller et al. 2019 Routledge; Zappettini and Krzyżanowski 2021; Šimunjak 2022) or has focused on language policies post-Brexit in the UK (Kelly 2018) and in the EU (Leal 2021). While the works based on the discourse of political debates have included references to migration policies, this literature has given limited space to the voices and experiences of EU migrants (with the partial exception of Šimunjak 2022).
Against this background, we invite papers showcasing original research into the exploration of the discursive and linguistic dimension of Brexit as experienced by EU migrants, i.e., bridging between the two sets of literature outlined above. The symposium “European Migrants in the UK in the Brexit Era: Discursive Perspectives”, will focus on (1) contemporary, rather than historical, migration and (2) on the discursive practices involving EU migrants in the UK. These are intended both as discourses produced by the migrants, e.g., in their everyday practices, or discourses about the migrants, e.g., in the media. A broad range of discursive approaches will be included, including multimodal discourses (Schiffrin et al. 2018, Hyland et al. 2021, Gee and Handford 2023). Papers will rely on a variety of research methods, from interviews and ethnographic observations to analyses of political debates, social and legacy media.
We welcome contributions on topics that include (but are not limited to):
- narratives of migration (insider and outsider perspectives);
- identity and belonging;
- media representations;
- language attitudes/maintenance, translanguaging, accentism;
- intercultural communication;
- education/teaching;
- hostile practices (microaggressions, hate speech).
We encourage innovative research and (fairly mature) work in progress to be included in a book proposal.
We invite 500-word anonymous abstract submissions for consideration, specifying how the proposed study sits within the scope of the call and what innovative contributions it brings.
Talks will last 20-minute (plus 10 minutes for discussion).
Deadline for abstract submissions: Wednesday 28th February 2024
Notification of acceptance: March 27th 2024
Please send your anonymous abstracts to:
Event date: Wednesday 12th June 2024
Venue: Online
Registration fee: none, attendance is free.
Dr Caterina Guardamagna:
University of Liverpool
Dr Jessica Hampton:
University of Cambridge
Mrs Mariana Roccia:
University of Gloucestershire
Dr Djordje Sredanovic:
University of Chester