Free Essay Writing Support from Royal Literary Fund Fellow

Need to improve your work? Unsure about how to structure an essay? Ever wondered how to organise and present ideas in order to gain the best marks?
If you’re struggling to write well, or if you’re simply seeking to enhance your fluency, clarity and style on paper, the Royal Literary Fund Fellow is here to help.
The Fellow can offer one-off guidance sessions or more long-term support. Completing a simple form is all that’s required. The Fellow is here for everyone at the University: all students, regardless of level or subject.
Writing support is given in one-to-one 45min tutorials that focus on good writing practice, style, technique and process, rather than content.
This service is free, confidential, and entirely independent of the University.
Caroline is a novelist whose acclaimed debut, In Search of Adam, was published in 2007. Since then she has written six additional novels, including the international bestseller Like Bees To Honey, an experimental digital novel with eleven endings, 99 Reasons Why, and a work of historical fiction, The Finding of Martha Lost. She has co-authored a short story collection, Freaks!, and written scripts for short films as well as for a musical, The Colour of Light.
A feature film of her novel, The Drowning of Arthur Braxton, a modern day fairy tale, is to be released soon. Caroline also works as an editor and lectures in Creative Writing.
Caroline is available for consultation every Monday and Thursday, 9.30am to 3.30pm.
Appointments must be made by email: