Europeans in the UK: language and society

14th May 2020, University of Liverpool
The 2016 Brexit vote is the result of a decade-long public debate expanding the focus of migration studies from refugees/asylum seekers to include EU/economic migrants in the UK. Amidst this climate of social and political change, scholars have studied migration from the continent into the UK from a variety of perspectives – mostly within sociology, geography, economics and politics. On the other hand, language-centred approaches - mostly focused on the media or bilingualism - have been much fewer.
This event aims at bringing together scholars from various backgrounds but united in their interest in the linguistic exploration of contemporary EU migration in the UK or the investigation of the role of language(s) in this migration phenomenon. Through the sharing of expertise, this event aims at laying the ground for future collaboration to achieve a more in-depth, systematic study of migration in the EU from a linguistic perspective.
We welcome contributions on topics that include (but are not limited to):
- Language attitudes; language maintenance; translanguaging practices
- Identity and belonging (inclusion and exclusion, differentiation and discrimination; individual and collective identities)
- Nation, kinship, citizenship; integration and assimilation
- Education/teaching (initiatives, challenges, materials development)
- Old and new media representations
- Narratives of migration
- Students and workers
- Gender and age
- Family, romantic relationships and friends
- Fiction (e.g. literature, film, theatre)
We invite 300-word abstract submissions for consideration:
- Long paper: 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion); or
- Short paper: 10-minute talks (plus 5 minutes for discussion); or
- Poster presentations
Deadline for abstract submissions: Sunday 22nd March 2020. Please send your abstracts to Dr Caterina Guardamagna (, marking the subject as: EU migrants in the UK Conference.
Date: Thursday 14th May 2020.
Venue: The Library, 1st floor, School of the Arts, 21Abercromby Square, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, United Kingdom.
Registration fee: £30
Dr Caterina Guardamagna:
Department of English, University of Liverpool
Jessica Iubini-Hampton:
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Liverpool
Marina Rabadán Gómez:
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Liverpool