Poetry Reading with Judith Wilson and Sandeep Parmar

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Sandeep Parmar

Department of English Senior Lecturer Sandeep Parmar will join James Davies at the Bookcase in Hebden Bridge for the launch of Judith Wilson’s first poetry collection, Crossing the Mirror Line.

From The Book Case:

“Crossing the Mirror Line explores ways in which the past travels with us across landscapes of 'peopled time'. Like the eighteenth-century artists' landscape mirror that reconfigured the relationship between the viewer and what is viewed, these poems are concerned with looking itself, how it selects and transforms what is seen”.

Sandeep Parmar co-directs Liverpool's Centre for New and International Writing. She has edited the Collected Poems of Hope Mirrlees and Collected Poems of Nancy Cunard for Carcanet, and published two collections of her own poetry with Shearsman: The Marble Orchard and Eidolon, winner of the 2017 Ledbury Forte Prize for Best Second Collection. She is a BBC New Generation Thinker and a judge for the 2017 Forward Prize for Poetry.

Tickets £6 with free refreshments.

For more information or to book contact The Book Case on: 

TEL: 01422 845353

Email: shop@bookcase.co.uk

Web: bookcase.co.uk