Pre-sessional English for IELTS 6.5 overall with no component below 5.5
Find out how one of our Pre-sessional English courses can help you improve your English language skills to the required standard.
Some of our academic courses have English language requirements of IELTS 6.5 overall, with no component below 5.5, or equivalent.
If you want to join one of these courses but don't currently meet the English language requirements, don't worry. We can use your most recent IELTS score, or the equivalent score in selected other English language tests, to determine the length of Pre-sessional English course you require.
Your Pre-sessional English course may be available on campus or online. This depends on your most recent English language test and how long you need to study Pre-sessional English.
- To study Pre-sessional English on campus, only secure English language tests (SELTs) are accepted
- To study online, your most recent English language test must have taken place face-to-face in a test centre, excluding Duolingo and LanguageCert Academic for which the home test is acceptable.
IELTS Academic test
If you're using an IELTS Academic test to show your current English language proficiency, use the table below to check the course length you're likely to need.
Please note, the information below is a guide only. If you're unsure about your current level of English language ability, please contact us for advice at
Your most recent IELTS score | Pre-sessional English course length | On campus or online |
6.0 overall, with no component below 5.5 | 6 weeks | On campus |
5.5 overall, with no component below 5.5 | 10 weeks | On campus and online options available |
5.5 overall, with no component below 4.5 | 20 weeks | On campus |
5.0 overall, with no component below 4.5 | 30 weeks | On campus |
4.5 overall, with no more than one component below 4.5, and no component below 4.0 | 40 weeks | On campus |
IELTS One Skill Retakes will be accepted if taken within 60 days of the original test.
Other English language tests
It's not just IELTS we can use to assess your current English language ability.
If you've completed any of the other English language tests listed below, click the name of the test to see the length of Pre-sessional English course you're likely to require.
LanguageCert Academic
For LanguageCert Academic, the equivalent standard to IELTS 6.5 overall with no component below 5.5, is 70 overall, with no skill below 60.
Your most recent test score | Pre-sessional English course length | On campus or online |
65 overall, with no skill below 60 | 6 weeks | On campus |
60 overall, with no skill below 60 | 10 weeks | On campus and online options available |
60 overall, with no skill below 50 | 20 weeks | On campus |
55 overall, with no skill below 50 | 30 weeks | On campus |
50 overall, with no skill below 45 | 40 weeks | On campus |
Pearson PTE
For Pearson PTE, the equivalent standard to IELTS 6.5 overall with no component below 5.5, is 61 overall, with no component less than 59.
Your most recent test score | Pre-sessional English course length | On campus or online |
59 overall, with no more than one component at 51, and no component below 51 | 6 weeks | On campus |
56 overall, with no component less than 51 | 10 weeks | On campus and online options available |
51 overall, with no component less than 46 | 20 weeks | On campus |
46 overall, with no component less than 43 | 30 weeks | On campus |
43 overall, with no component less than 43 | 40 weeks | On campus |
Skills for English
For Skills for English, the equivalent standard to IELTS 6.5 overall with no component below 5.5, is B2 Pass with Merit overall, with no band below B2 Pass.
Your most recent test score | Pre-sessional English course length | On campus or online |
B2 Pass | 6 or 10 weeks |
6 weeks: on campus 10 weeks: on campus and online options available |
B1 Pass with Merit | 20 or 30 weeks | On campus |
B1 Pass | 40 weeks | On campus |
Oxford Test of English
For the Oxford Test of English, the equivalent standard to IELTS 6.5 overall with no component below 5.5, is 136 or above overall, with no component below 116.
Your most recent test score | Pre-sessional English course length | On campus or online |
116 or above overall, with no component below 116 | 10 weeks | Online |
Duolingo English Test
For Duolingo, the equivalent standard to IELTS 6.5 overall with no component below 5.5, is 120 overall, with no component below 95.
Your most recent test score | Pre-sessional English course length | On campus or online |
110 overall, with no component below 90 | 10 weeks | Online |
Assessment and progression
You'll be assessed in the skills of writing, reading, speaking and listening on a Pre-sessional English course.
To meet English language requirements of IELTS 6.5 overall, with no component less than 5.5, or equivalent, you’ll need to achieve an overall Pre-sessional English score of 50% or above. You'll also need to obtain a minimum score of 40% or above in each assessment.
Need to meet different English language requirements?
If the English language requirements for your intended academic course aren't IELTS 6.5 overall, with no component below 5.5, or equivalent, the information on this page doesn't apply to you.
You should refer to the Pre-sessional English entry requirements that match the IELTS profile for your intended course.