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Matt graduated from the University of Leeds with an undergraduate degree (2008) in Sports Materials and PhD (2013) in Materials Science. His PhD research specialised in the analysis of beam sensitive bio-nanomaterials using advanced TEM with controlled electron fluence. Additional research included environmentally controlled TEM analysis of calcium-based sorbents for carbon capture and storage (CCS).

He then held a Post-Doctoral position in the Nano- and Biomaterial Physics group at the University of York, focusing on the analysis of bone ultrastructure using high-resolution 3D-volume STEM tomography, and analysis of carbonate crystal growth using in situ STEM.

Matt later worked at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, providing collaborative research in the high-resolution electron microscopy of nanoscale materials with tuned surface and interfacial chemistries. His role also supported the running of the multi-user electron microscopy facility at 4D Labs, encompassing S/TEM, FIB-SEM, SEM, cryo-EM, and sample preparation methods.

Matt provides strong interdisciplinary experience in collaborative academic research through the application of advanced electron microscopy techniques to broad fields of the physical, chemical and biological sciences. He continues to develop a growing portfolio of high impact publications and collaborative relationships with local, national and multinational scientific industries.

Matt has been at the University of Liverpool since 2017 and provides collaborative academic and industrial research, training and technical support in electron microscopy.