1909 Biplane ‘flown’ in University’s flight simulators

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005 Flight Simulators Farman maintenance being filmed

In April, Red Brick Pictures visited the School of Engineering to film Clare Tector, a pilot with the Shuttleworth Collection, as she flew a 1909 biplane in the University's Flight Simulator.

005_1909 Biplane photo courtesy Shuttleworth Collection005 BiPlane 1909 Shuttleworth collection

The film, which will be displayed as part of the permanent exhibition at the new Torre Abbey museum in Devon, will give context to the story of Claude Grahame-White. Grahame-White was one of Britain's aviation pioneers, and his flight from Torre Abbey meadow over the assembled navy ships in the bay proved to the military that they needed to update their defences to be ready for aerial bombardment.  

The new exhibition, including the film shot at the University, is scheduled to open in July 2013.