School of Engineering PhDs scoop accolades at annual Poster Day

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004 Charlie Whitford and Junjie Wang
Poster winner Charlie Whitford (left) and runner up Junjie Wang

The winners of this year’s University of Liverpool Poster Day have been unveiled after more than 250 entries were judged by leading research professionals.

One of the top prizes was won by Charles Whitford from the School of Engineering, who won the Faculty of Science and Engineering award for his poster; ‘Modelling the bio mechanic properties of the eye’.
Junjie Wang, also from the School of Engineering was awarded the runner up prize for his poster;  ‘Towards a predictive tool to assist the planning of LASIK refractive surgery’.
Both Charlie and Junjie’s research is part of the Ocular Biomechanics Group.

004 Charlie Whitford winning poster     004 Junjie Wang runner up poster
The annual event gives second year Postgraduate Research students the chance to showcase their work to a wider academic audience and gain feedback from peers and research professionals.

Event organiser and Head of PGR Development, Dr Richard Hinchcliffe, said: “Poster Day is an opportunity to uphold academic excellence within individual faculties and an important learning experience for PGRs. Not only does it give them the chance to refine and develop their communication skills within an academic context, it is also an important showcase of the research taking place at our institution.”