Conferences and Outreach Activities

2024 NFPA Conference & Expo (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Jack Salem and Alex Smith (MEng students in Civil Engineering) under the supervision of Dr Martina Manes worked on the NFPA Student Project Initiative in the Summer of 2023 on research focused on “Cooking Practices and Fires in the USA”. As part of this initiative, students were accepted for the presentation and poster session at the 2024 NFPA Conference & Expo (Orlando, Florida, USA) on 17-19th June 2024 and the final report of the project was published on the NFPA website. A special thank you to the NFPA for this unique opportunity and to Jacqueline Wilmot, Birgitte Messerschmidt and all the NFPA panel members for the support and feedback provided during the project.

Conferences 2

2024 Fired-Up Conference (Edinburgh, UK)

Yam (Hongxin) Zhuang (PhD Student) currently enrolled in a Dual PhD Scholarship between the University of Liverpool and NTHU in Taiwan under the supervision of Dr Martina Manes, Prof Eric S. Lin, and Dr Xu Dai, attended the Fired-Up Conference (Edinburgh, UK) on 11-12th July 2024. He presented his research on “Fire financial losses: cost components, methodologies, and the impact of fire safety measures”.

2024 Structures in Fire Forum (London, UK)

Rachel Foster (MEng student in Civil Engineering) under the supervision of Dr Martina Manes presented her 3rd year final dissertation on the "Investigation of pre- and post-fire conditions in residential buildings during COVID-19 Based on English Fire Statistics" during the Structures in Fire Forum on 27th September 2024. This investigation provided an alternative perspective to the statistical analysis of fires in Houses in Multiple Occupancy properties identifying trends experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the recorded fire incidents, and how our social lives and the subsequent fire risks were impacted.

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