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PhD Student wins poster competition 3rd prize

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A smiling man with a dark beard wearing a light yellow shirt and bright yellow lanyard which says EFUTURES
An image of Turki Alnuayri at a conference

Congratulations to Turki Alnuayri, who recently won the 3rd place prize in the poster competition for his poster at the Electronics for Sustainable Societies 2022 conference. The poster also won first prize in the Faculty PGR poster day earlier in June this year.

Turki is currently working towards his PhD in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics with supervisors Dr Saqib Khursheed and Prof Alan Marshall.

A summary of Turki’s poster, ‘Hardware Security: Counterfeit Integrated Circuits (ICs) Detection for Recycled and Remarked based on Aging and Machine Learning Techniques’ can be found below.


Integrated circuits (ICs) are the core components form all electronic devices around us, from personal use, automotive, computing, banking, healthcare, and aerospace to military electronics. It is crucial to develop safeguards against hardware threats to the security and reliability of electronic systems in these industries, including IC counterfeiting, i.e., recycled and remarked ICs that represent 80-90% of counterfeiting incidents. Utilising IC reclaimed from an old system and declaring it as a new one is referred to as recycled IC. Similarly, an IC package may be reprinted to falsely upgrade its domain from commercial to medical or defence electronics. The high demand for electronics with recent CMOS technology scaling development to nanometres leads to the risk of IC counterfeiting. This can make devices vulnerable to cyber-attacks, particularly considering the use of cutting-edge technologies by recyclers selling fake or upgraded devices with no obvious signs of IC counterfeiting. In the UK, IC counterfeiting costs the economy £30 billion and jeopardises more than 14800 jobs. Mitigation of the number of counterfeit ICs heading to the market requires the government, industry, and academia to collaborate and develop innovative anticounterfeit solutions and to stay updated with new trends. Alnuayri's research focuses on recycled and remarked ICs detection and aims to develop a technique to distinguish between new and used digital ICs that have been used for a short period based on an ageing sensor mechanism, including BTI and HCI. All novel work related to his research can be found on the IEEE author's publications website: