Thank you to everyone who has submitted an entry/entries into our ‘My Lockdown’ photo Competition.
Undergraduate entries
Ziggy Mancini - 'While isolation can be very lonely, I was lucky enough to get out and about back home in Wales over the Easter break, making some very fluffy friends.'
Alice-Maria Toader - 'This photo, in its entirety, defines my lockdown. It was a apparently sunny time, a "not that bad" moment, but deep down, I think most of us felt the pressure around. We all knew that the slight nervousness in our expressions was only "the tip of the iceberg". We try to see the beauty, the flowers, the pretty weather, the cards, while we are stuck behind a window.'
Jazib Askari - 'A change of pace' - Taken during lockdown amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, ‘A Change of Pace’ depicts a Liverpool resident reconnecting with nature and feeding the flocking pigeons; a reminder to slow down and find contentment in the seemingly mundane as we navigate through these uncertain times.
Tia Lowman - 'Lockdown has been extremely hard for myself, as I imagine for many others too. I'm declared clinically extremely vulnerable in this pandemic due to my severe asthma and, as a result, I was not allowed to exit my house, not even for even a walk, from March to June. For 3 month of the year, all I could do was stare out my window, looking at the world pass me by, seeing households socialise with each other and break the confined walls of their isolation; I felt even more disconnected from society when everyone was able to meet up with one other person outside and all I craved was that breath of fresh air and to laugh again, but I still wasn't allowed to step outside of my front door. Days and nights passed, and I looked outside my window, imagining what I would do the minute I was set free; meet up with friends, go for a walk, go to the beach, anything! Not minding if it had to be socially distanced, just to have company again and enjoy the small things in life. My 3 months ended, yet the anxiety of interacting in a Covid riddled world only grew stronger. What if I got it? What if I ended up in hospital? Would I die? The window stopping me from life was no longer made of wood and glass, but instead of anxiety, and it just kept closing tighter and tighter, and all I could do was dream again about the carefree life I missed. Vaccinations came around, and it was like I was handed the key to open my window. The weeks passed by, increasing my immunity, and the fresh air of freedom was slowly filling my lungs. I am now fully vaccinated, and that second dose felt like a block to stop the window from fully closing again. I no longer look through windows missing the life I had, but instead, look for opportunities to live.'
Noushin Islam - 'August 2020 right after I moved to the UK on my own. Covid and also being homesick made it difficult for me to adjust. The message on the sign "And the bees still buzz ..." gave me a little push. For me it meant that life goes on and that I needed to embrace my situation.'
Yujie Zhou
Denys Chapli - ' A bunch of photos taken during the autumn lockdown which pretty much sum up my lockdown experience.'
Yingkai Wang- 'I built a big city on Minecraft last year during the lockdown.'
Shufan Zhao - 'This is a picture taken in Princess Park.The scene of spring is always so full of vitality and profit.Abundant green lets lockdown life to have trifling interest.I have always believed that spring is more beautiful after a severe winter, and likewise life will be better after a severe virus.' - (Awaiting image)
Junchen Pan - 'City centre of Liverpool during the lockdown.' - (Awaiting image)
Yufei Qian - ( Awaiting image)
Yujie Zhou - (Awaiting image)
Dequn Teng - 'The last flight to leave…This is the last flight from Singapore Airline to fly back to China from UK in facing the spreading of Covid-19.' - (Image not shareable)
Postgraduate (MSc and PhD students) entries
Shivali Patel - 'My first few months in Liverpool felt very lonely and due to lockdown, I was not able to get out and make friends or socialise. So, I began to start exploring Liverpool alone and with no prior expectations, I was blown away by the beauty of this city. This photo, of one of my first friends in Liverpool, was taken on a cold, windy evening at Crosby beach. I only took one image because it was so cold my fingers were numb; but it turned out beautiful!'
Faisal Alotaibi - 'Evening sunset.'
Leonel Hernández ' In lockdown a good walk helps.'
Valentina Casadei - 'I chose this picture because it shows a summary of my lockdown: by myself, in a foreign country, looking forward to a better future time.'
Said Alriyami - 'A cup of coffee before the work.'
Mahmood Alsaadi - 'This photo shortens the life and study during the lockdown. Where the streets in the university are empty of students and the only thing there is a smart device. As the university was converted to smart devices. You can see that the smart phone surround the university.'
NiHao Dong - 'In Dunham Massey. Lockdown brings people closer to nature.'
Arkin Cisneros - 'Coming back to Liverpool from abroad, I had to quarantine. At the time I had stressful deadlines to meet and my inner Child (pun intended) longed to go out and play. Although sad at the time, this picture made me realise that everything is not so bad if you can stop and contemplate the snowfall.'
Abdullah Alsaedi - 'This photo was taken in April, from the balcony where I started sitting with my family drinking tea since the beginning of the lockdown. It might look normal, but it is strongly related in my mind to all the events that were happening, and most importantly, the hope that we had and our attempts to enjoy all the moments.'
Staff entries
Richard Wratten - 'Princes Park.'
Cedric Boisdon
Yi Huang - 'My little friends locked inside.'
John Gillmore - 'Butterfly.'
Kirsty McKay
Sara Parker - 'This photo sums up lockdown for me. We were only allowed out for one walk per day, and my family and I found many a new walk in the area in which we live. We looked forward to getting out for our daily dose of exercise and it also gave us the opportunity to reconnect as a family. Having two teenagers in lockdown was hard work, but we made it work in nature and loved our sunset walks. We’d never seen so many ‘public footpath’ signs!'
Marcel Hernandez - 'I live in Great Malvern, Worcestershire (working mainly remotely even before lockdown) and walking on the Malvern Hills was the main way in which I kept a sense of balance during the lockdowns. Attached is a photo I took at dusk on the Malvern Hills, looking towards the Eastnor Estate in Herefordshire.'
Yi Huang - 'Happy New Year!'
John Gillmore - 'We were sitting in the garden back in August when this sparrow landed on the end of the garage roof. It was in no rush to move on and I had time to go in, get the camera and take this shot.'
Kirsty McKay - 'My little lockdown work buddy.'
Yi Huang - 'Spring is here.'
Michele Zito - 'It's a picture of a full moon over Fairview Nursing Home in Heswall, during the first lock down. The peaceful watch is that of the moon, that with its white quiet light perhaps soothes a bit the worries and pain of the first pandemic in places like a nursing home or a hospital.'
Cynthia Wang - 'I’m always active and sporty. Lockdown means goodbye to group sports. However, never have I had so much time doing exercise. My daily routine exercise now is 1 hour dance and 1 hour workout. The lockdown actually helped me to stay fit. I do miss office, travel and social life, but as long as we stay positive and making the best of what we have, life is still enjoyable.'
Kirsty McKay
Yi Huang - 'Enjoying the game.'
Michele Zito - 'This is a picture of Quarry Road East, next to where i live, on an Autumn Monday morning. It's evocative of the emptyness that the pandemic has brought to our streets. In normal times, on a Monday morning, this road would have been busy with the usual commute time traffic: buses, cars. Not so during the pandemic. I called it "contrasts" because it also shows various interesting almost contradicting features: autumn and Nature and its many contrasting colours; a road, usually a place for cars and traffic ... suddenly "Unsuitable for motor vehicles".'
Cynthia Wang - 'The lockdown hasn’t been easy, as I haven’t been able to see my family for a year and half. However, it has unlocked a new door to me- cooking. Not only did I manage to learn a lot of new cooking recipes, but also started being creative in the kitchen. The pic you see is one of my xmas dishes.'