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I obtained my DPhil degree from the University of Oxford under Prof. J. Allen (2000) working on capacitively coupled electropositive and electronegative RF plasmas. During my time at Oxford I published several papers on Langmuir probe diagnostics. I then moved to the Complex Plasmas group at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in Garching (Munich, Germany) under Prof. G. Morfill. Here I published several papers on dust charging and complex plasma boundaries. Moving back to England in 2004 I joined the Technological Plasmas group at Liverpool University under Prof. J. Bradley. Here I have published papers working on a variety of plasma sources such as pulsed magnetron sputtering plasmas, polymerising RF pulsed plasmas and microplasmas. In particular, I have research interests in the following areas:
Fusion plasmas,
Magnetised low temperature plasmas,
Complex(dusty) plasmas,
Technological plasmas (at both low and atmospheric pressures),
Plasma diagnostics (both electrical and optical).

I am currently Guest Editor for the 'Latest Developments in Pulsed Low-Temperature Plasmas' Plasma journal special issue. Deadline for submission is 20th December 2018. Please see link.