More than Moore

"More than Moore": towards the integration of biomolecules on semiconductor devices.

This set of research projects will look, both from an experimental and simulation point of view, at the possibilities and challenges the integration of biomolecules (and cells) on passive micro/nano-structures and electrically active micro/nano-devices, in particular, those comprising of microfluidics.

The experimental stream of sub-projects will study, for instance:

  1. protein molecular motors in microconfined spaces
  2. adsorption of biomolecules (proteins and DNA) on flat or nanostructured surfaces
  3. the behaviour of biomolecules, in particular, those with linear architecture (eg. DNA, protein fibrils) in flow conditions for lab on a chip applications
  4. manipulation of bio-nano-objects using AFM
  5. the behaviour of proteins and DNA in electromagnetic fields in micro/nano-confined environments
  6. antibacterial nano-structured surfaces, etc

The modelling and simulation stream of projects will parallel all of the above lines of research, or alternative subjects, such as databases for the interactions of biomolecules with surfaces, etc.

Successful completion of these projects will better position the students considering a career in the emerging fields at the interface between engineering and medical/life sciences.

More Than Moore - Protein (actin)/Gold Particles

Figure 1 - Protein (actin)/gold particles self-assembled structures (left) and protein molecular
motors (green) moving in microfluidic structures (right)

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