An image of members of the signal processing group stood on different levels of a stone staircase

Signal processing

The group has particular strengths in Bayesian computational methodology, autonomy, decision support, data fusion, tracking, image processing, radar processing, acoustic analysis, text analytics, machine learning, behavioural analytics, simulation and energy-efficient hardware implementation. This group is led by Professor Simon Maskell.

There are strong links between the Signal Processing Group and other initiatives:

The Signal Processing Group hosts the EPSRC Energy Transfer Technologies Skills & Training Hub and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Distributed Algorithms.

Applications of current interest encompass a vast array of domains and include, for example, aerospace; bioinformatics; cybersecurity; e-health; food production; insurance; law enforcement; pharmaceutical; radar processing; surveillance of space; and transport.

Download the Signal Processing Group brochure 2025

To see the PhD students associated with the Signal Processing Group, please visit the Distributed Algorithms CDT webpages.

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