Professor Yi Huang named 2021 IEEE Fellow

Professor Yi Huang, from Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the University of Liverpool has been named an IEEE Fellow. He is being recognised for his contributions to rectenna technology.
The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year cannot exceed one-tenth of one- percent of the total voting membership. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is recognised by the technical community as a prestigious honor and an important career achievement.
Professor Huang has a longstanding track record in the field of antennas, propagation and measurements. He has authored 3 books, 5 book chapters, more than 150 journal papers (over 90 in IEEE Transactions/journals) and 200 conference papers, and filed/granted 10 patents – with a total citation over 6400 and an H-index of 37 in Google Scholar. He has also led many major research programmes from both national and international funding bodies as well as industry. He has served on a number of national and international technical committees including the EurAAP, IET, COST-IC0603 and COST-IC1102. He has been a keynote/invited speaker and organiser of many international conferences and workshops. He is at present the Editor-in-Chief of Wireless Engineering and Technology, Associate Editor of IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (2016-date), College Member of EPSRC, UK/Ireland Delegate to EurAAP. He is a recipient of 8 IEEE best paper awards and BAE Systems Chairman’s Award (2018). He is the Head of High Frequency Engineering Group of 30 staff and PhD students at the University of Liverpool which is regarded as a leading research group in the UK and a founding member of European Antenna Centre of Excellence (ACE).
Professor Huang has made significant contributions to this area by developing a range of original rectennas with a record broad-band energy conversion efficiency and the simplest configuration. As a result, they have published many IEEE Transaction papers (e.g. IEEE T-AP, 63(8), 3486-3495, 2015; IEEE T-AP, vol. 64(7), 3160–3171, 2016; IEEE T-AP 65(4), 2057-2062, 2017; and IEEE T-IE, 64(5), 3950-3961, 2017) with over 500 citations in Google scholars, and filed two patents in the UK and received one from the USA (US 10090595 B2).
The IEEE is the world’s leading professional association for advancing technology for humanity. Through its 400,000 plus members in 160 countries, the association is a leading authority on a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics.
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