‘Enlightenment and Racism’ Plenary and Roundtable, followed by the AGM of the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society, 2021
Start time: 15:00 / End time: 19:30 / Date: 20 Jul 2021 Open to: Any UOL students / Any UOL staff / General Public Type: Networking Event Cost: This is a free event, however please register via the Eventbrite link provided. Contact: For more information contact Professor Mark Towsey at towsey@liverpool.ac.uk Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ecsss-agm-2021-enlightenment-and-racism-tickets-156078401701 Having taken the difficult decision to postpone our annual conference to the summer of 2022 (see https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/eighteenth-century-worlds/events/scots-abroad/ for latest information), the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (with co-sponsors the Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy and the University of Liverpool’s Eighteenth-Century Worlds Research Centre) will hold an online event on Tuesday 20th July 2021. The event will consist of a pre-recorded lecture by this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Professor Gordon Graham (Princeton Theological Seminary) titled ‘How to Think about Enlightenment and Racism’ together with a roundtable on ‘Race and the Scottish Enlightenment’. This will be followed by the AGM of the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society and an online networking event featuring New Research on Eighteenth-Century Scotland. The event is free and open to all, although participants will need to be members of ECSSS to vote in the AGM. Access to the pre-recorded lecture and online sessions will be by registration only through Eventbrite. Zoom details will be circulated to all registered participants prior to the event. Programme, 20th July 2021 (all times, UK BST) Pre-recorded keynote: Professor Gordon Graham (Princeton Theological Seminary), How to think about Enlightenment and Racism. 3pm Welcome, keynote abstract and Q&A Professor Gordon Graham 3.20pm Roundtable on ‘Race and the Scottish Enlightenment’ John Cairns, chair (University of Edinburgh) Stephen Mullen (University of Glasgow) Silvia Sebastiani (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) Felix Waldmann (University of Cambridge) 4.30pm Presentation of ECSSS Lifetime Achievement Award to Professor Gordon Graham (presented by James Foster, Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy) Break 5pm ECSSS AGM 6pm New Research on Eighteenth-Century Scotland, featuring lightning presentations by Postgraduate Research Students and Early Career Researchers (programme to be confirmed)* 7.30pm Close *If you are a Postgraduate Research Student or Early Career Researcher new to the Society and would like to offer a 5-minute lightning paper for this event, please contact Mark Towsey on towsey@liverpool.ac.uk to express your interest in taking part. Click on "Create a calendar file" and your browser will download a .ics file for this event. Microsoft Outlook: Download the file, double-click it to open it in Outlook, then click on "Save & Close" to save it to your calendar. If that doesn't work go into Outlook, click on the File tab, then on Open & Export, then Open Calendar. Select your .ics file then click on "Save & Close". Google Calendar: download the file, then go into your calendar. On the left where it says "Other calendars" click on the arrow icon and then click on Import calendar. Click on Browse and select the .ics file, then click on Import. Apple Calendar: The file may open automatically with an option to save it to your calendar. If not, download the file, then you can either drag it to Calendar or import the file by going to File >Import > Import and choosing the .ics file.About the event
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