Academic Advising

Effective support for students during their time with us at the University of Liverpool can be critical for their success.

The Student Success Framework focusses on ensuring that students are aware of the support available, where to go to seek guidance and also their role in their own success. The Academic Adviser is integral to the academic success of students during their time at the University.

The Academic Adviser's handbook is intended to help Academic Advisers in this role by setting out some guiding principles with examples of good practice. These principles were developed as part of the Student Success Framework subgroup specifically looking at the Academic Adviser role. This subgroup membership was made up of academic and professional service colleagues and the main purpose was to establish a set of principles which all Academic Advisers can work towards.

The Academic Adviser's module is intended to further support colleagues' understanding of the handbook and further explore the principles through examples of best practice.

Academic Advisers Network

The Academic Adviser Network offers an opportunity for you to reflect on your practice as an Academic Adviser, access resources for your own development, and connect with colleagues from across the institution to share experiences or discuss challenges.

We have a Network Hub full of useful resources on Canvas, which you can access any time:

The network also has a channel on Teams where you can connect with fellow academic advisors to share and discuss:

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