Assisting central banks in improving monetary policy decision making
Professor Oliver de Groot, in collaboration with the economists at the European Central Bank (ECB), is developing novel methods and tools for studying the optimal mix of central bank policy instruments, suitable for informing policymakers with the aim of improving monetary policy decisions.
Enhancing the livelihoods of women in rural India
Dr. Garikipati's research led to a collaboration with India's national rural apex bank to develop a livelihoods module for their web-based data-sharing platform which helps map and enhance investment in the livelihoods of rural women.
Promoting 'informed choice' in India's Menstrual Hygiene Management policy
Dr. Garikipati uses her research on menstrual hygiene in India to inform a multi-pronged advocacy strategy with institutional stakeholders from the WASH sector to promote ‘informed choice’ and ‘sustainability’ in India’s menstrual hygiene landscape.
Transgender health and welfare
Research by Dr. Ian Burn on how the health and socioeconomic outcomes of patients evolve as they are treated for gender dysphoria.
Revisiting postal sector pricing
With the postal sector being of particular economic significance, Christian Bach and other authors have provided an analytical guideline for postal operators to revise their pricing strategies and thereby improve their profitability as well as the viability of the Universal Service Obligations.
Protection of vulnerable players in the gambling industry
Professors Forrest and McHale's research has been used to develop algorithms to identify and protect gamblers who may be suffering from harm, through shaping the Department of Culture, Media and Sport policy.