Applied microeconomics
Find out more about applied microeconomics research from the Economics group which specialises in development, political economy, labour economics, and more.
Find out more about econometrics research from the Economics group which specialises in time-series analysis, panel data, financial econometrics, and more.
Economic theory
Find out more about economic theory research from the Economics group which specialises in game theory, mechanism design, political economy, and more.
Find out more about macroeconomics research from the Economics group which specialises in monetary policy, international trade, banking, and more.
Liverpool Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics (LAMBDA) Research Centre
Economics group researchers are also closely involved in several interdisciplinary Research Centres and Clusters with the Management School including the LAMBDA Centre.
Centre for Sports Business
Economics group researchers are also closely involved in several interdisciplinary Research Centres and Clusters with the Management School including the Centre for Sports Business.