ENVS351 - Advanced Geological Field Techniques
This fieldclass, which takes place in June immediately after the end of the second year, deals with the detailed phase of geological fieldwork, and forms the final part of training for your independent field project and subsequent dissertation write-up. Using comfortable self-catering accommodation in Bundoran, County Donegal as a base, we examine sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks in Donegal, Sligo and Fermanagh.
Bringing together knowledge and techniques from all the theory modules taken in Years One and Two, you will undertake three projects that correspond to the three main phases of the geological history of the north of Ireland;
- Regional and contact metamorphism and deformation of Dalradian rocks
- Carboniferous basin formation and fill
- Palaeogene igneous intrusions
Students are assessed on the basis of their individual field notebooks, as well as for their contribution to two group projects. In addition to gaining a thorough understanding of the geology of this part of northwest Ireland, you will also develop invaluable skills in problem solving and independent working.
Quotes from module questionnaire:
“loads of feedback; really happy with it”
“there is a lot of independence, and I like that”
“the notebook feedback was very helpful and will certainly help keep my notebook tidy and useable in and out of the field”
“seemed really excellent to me”