Clinical and health educational group
The school of dentistry has a national and international reputation in educational innovation, which is supported by community of practice focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning.
The overall focus of the group is the Development and Measurement of Clinical Capability, with strengths in programmatic assessment approaches and skills development through simulation.
Research focus areas
- The establishment of appropriate continuous professional development strategies for undergraduates.
- The development of psychosocial skills to support combined with approaches to support feedback, self-reflection and self-efficacy for student learning and the development of resilience.
- The development of programmatic assessment strategies to drive appropriate self-reflection and deliberate practice.
- The use of simulation to develop, support, and enhance clinical practice.
- Innovation in learning analytics and machine learning to support personal development and robust progression decisions.
Examples of current projects
Development of data visualisation tools to support personalised clinical development: Lead Professor Luke Dawson
This project is investigating approaches to triangulate, integrate, and personalise the display of complex data from clinical and academic assessment to support both effective personal reflection and reliable progress decisions. Research Team: Professor Vince Bissell, Mr. Elliot Adderton, Dr. Mark Jellicoe.
Ensuring the provision of meaningful feedback to support partnership working between students and staff: Lead Professor Luke Dawson
This project is multifaceted and explores key aspects of how feedback impacts goals setting, along with mental well-being with an aim to maximise the effectiveness and acceptability of feedback. Research Team: Dr. Jumoke Adeyemi, Dr Manal Ablal, Mr. Phillip Brown, Ms. Leigh-Ann Randell.
Group members: Professor Luke Dawson, Professor Vince Bissell, Professor Barry Quinn, Dr. Jumoke Adeyemi, Mr. Stephen Deboo, Mr. Phillip Brown, Mr. Jonathan Marsden, Dr Manal Ablal, Ms. Gillian Barker, Ms. Joanne Bowles, Ms. Leigh-Ann Randell, Mr. Elliot Adderton, Dr. Mark Jellicoe, Mr. Steven Attwell, Ms. Michelle Williams
PhD studens: Ms. Eman Aldawsari, Ms. Helen Stevenson