This summer the School of Dentistry has been joined by two students on Nuffield Research Placements through STEM Learning.
STEM Learning is helping to promote widening participation in STEM across the country by organising placements for year 12 students. The scheme provides an opportunity for young, local, aspiring dentists to gain valuable research skills and insight into the profession. They will spend two weeks working with academics in the School of Dentistry to assist on active, meaningful research.
This year, the students will be working on a project focused on understanding the relationship between the British print media and dental tourism, aiming to chart and understand the effect this has on the dental industry. The students will be presenting their findings in the form of a written report and a presentation at the end of the August.
The students will be supported by both members of the faculty and a student from the universities own INSPIRE project. The INSPIRE program is managed by the Academy of Medical Sciences and works to promote research within undergraduate dentistry by providing paid summer internships to students. This third-year student will collaborate with and support the Nuffield Research Placement students throughout the project, tutoring and contributing along the way.
We wish them all the best of luck with their project and are excited to see their findings!
If you are currently a student at the School of Dentistry and would like to get involved in similar research projects within the faculty, please contact Dr Sondos Albadri via her email – sondos@liverpool.ac.uk
We engaged with the programme via All About STEM, Nuffield Coordinator for the North West. Young people interested in completing a placement, or businesses or academic institutions interested in hosting a placement can contact nuffield@allaboutstem.co.uk
Further information found at: https://www.nuffieldresearchplacements.org/