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School of Dentistry BSc Prize Winners

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Jessica & Lily
Recognising and celebrating the achievements of our BSc Hygiene students.

The school of Dentistry would like to congratulate all of the BSc students who were awarded prizes for their outstanding achievements on Monday the 5th December 2022. The list of awards and their respective winners are as follows:

Year 1 Prizes 2019/2020

Richard Edwards Scholarship (Clinical Performance)

Students who shows the best overall clinical developmental progress over the course of CLC1 – judged by reference to all of the available data and by staff.

Winner: Jessica Thompson



Richard Edwards Scholarship (Academic Performance)

Students who demonstrate the highest overall combined marks across the academic progress examinations.

Winner: Jessica Thompson



Year 2 Prizes

Philip Capon Prize (Overall Development)

Student who shows the best overall evidence of holistically meeting the CLC2 milestones – judged by reference to all available data and by staff.

Winner: Jessica Thompson



Richard Edwards Scholarship (Clinical Performance)

Students who shows the best overall clinical developmental progress over the course of CLC2 – judged by reference to all of the available data and by staff.

Winner: Jessica Thompson



Year 3 Prizes

University of Liverpool Dental Alumni Prize for Undergraduate Research Collaboration (ISD5)

Award to the student, part of a group that is judged to have given the best presentation for the ISD5 research component (considers presentation skills, audience engagement, teamwork)

Winner: Amy Leedham

 Amy awarded by VC


Mark Ball Memorial Prize

Awarded to students who have shown the best overall clinical developmental progress over the course of the CLC3 programme.

Winner: Lily Bailey



British Society of Paediatric Dentistry Dental Therapist Prize

Awarded to the graduating dental therapist with the best overall performance in paediatric dentistry.

Winner: Jessica Thompson


British Association of Dental Therapists Prize

Awarded to the graduating dental therapist who at the first summative attempt demonstrates the best overall evidence of meeting the clinical dental practice and foundation of practice milestones (clinical application paper, clinical foundation papers and OSCE.

Winner: Amy Leedham



British Society of Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapist Prize

Awarded to the graduating dental therapists who have shown the best overall clinical development progress over the course of the CLC3 programme (including reference to the outreach logbooks and longitudinal patient in-reach portfolios).

Winner: Lily Baily & Johnathon Cameron