Harpreet Malhi a 5th year dental student has won the British Endodontic Society prize for her elective entitled “Procedural errors produced by novice operators in simulated root canals with Nickel-Titanium files used in reciprocating motion: WaveOne Vs Reciproc”
The award ceremony at the Spring Scientific Meeting of the British Endodontic Society took place on the 14th of March at Institute of Civil Engineers in Westminster.
The study undertaken by Harpreet for her elective project follows on from previous work done in the department, investigating the incidence of procedural errors in the hands of novice users. It was not an easy undertaking for any student to take on such an extensive project and even the initial stages of data collection took a great deal of time and effort, notwithstanding data analysis and writing up the final report.
Miss Blundell Clinical Teacher in Restorative Dentistry said “Miss Harpreet exhibited a great deal of maturity and motivation, she was able to work independently with little guidance. Being awarded the BES prize is a great accolade and we are very proud of Harpreet's achievement. It was wonderful to be able to share in her success at the recent BES meeting in London, where she was awarded her prize”
Hapreet said “I am very pleased about my elective being acknowledged by such a great society. It was such an amazing opportunity to represent Liverpool Dental School and meet many influential people within the Endodontic field”