2018-19 Events Archive

See below details of events during the academic year 2018-19 that CSIS organised, supported or hosted.

Richard Blackett (Vaderbilt University) - Fugitive Slaves, the Underground Railroad and the
Subversion of Slavery
Wednesday 3rd October 2018
Liverpool Athenaeum

Dr David Okech (University of Georgia) - Reintegration and Post-Reintegration services to
Trafficking survivors
Tuesday 16th October 2018
International Slavery Museum

Mothering and Labour in the Antebellum South
Thursday 15th November 2018 
University of Liverpool 

Workshop: Teaching American History & Politics with Digital Humanities
Friday 7th December 2018
International Slavery Museum 

The American Civil War, Lancashire and the Cotton Famine, 1861-65
Friday 7th December 2018
International Slavery Museum 

Women and Slavery: Agency and Constraint in the Slaveholding South
Saturday 19th January 2019
Manchester Metropolitan University 

Ethnographic Collecting and African Agency in Early Colonial West Africa:
A Study of Trans- Imperial Cultural Flows with Dr Zachary Kingdon
Thursday 7th February 2019
University of Liverpool

Professor Andrew O'Shaughnessy (Vice President of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation
/ University of Virginia) - Illimitable Freedom of the Human Mind: Thomas Jefferson's Idea
of a University
Thursday 7th March 2019
International Slavery Museum 

Dr Cassia Roth (University of Georgia) - CSIS Annual International Women’s Day Lecture:
Specters of the Womb: Enslaved Women, Childbirth, and Pain in 19th-Century Brazil
Friday 8th March 2019 
University of Liverpool


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