RENKEI PAX Workshop - Emancipating the Mind: History, Politics and Heritage
17th - 26th August 2017
University of Liverpool
Ana Lucia Araujo, Howard University - Public Lecture: Memory, History, and Heritage of
Slavery: Lessons of an Unfinished Past
Thursday 17th August 2017
Quakers Meeting House
CSIS Public Lecture with Multi-Award Winning Writer and Director Amma Asante
Friday 25th August 2017
Bluecoat Chambers
Charles Forsdick, University of Liverpool - Book Launch: Toussaint Louverture: A Black
Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions
Sunday 1st October 2017
News from Nowhere
Postgrads against Slavery: Ideas to Impact. AHRC’s Anti-Slavery Usable Past Postgraduate
Friday 6th October 2017
University of Liverpool
Centre for the Study of International Slavery Annual Lecture - Re-Memory: An African Poet
& the Burden of History by Kofi Anyidoho (University of Ghana-Legon)
Friday 20th October 2017
Bluecoat Chambers
Sine Jensen Smed, Aarhus University - Henrik Hertz, Haiti and the Rights of the “Free
Coloured” from a Danish Perspective
Sunday 29th November 2017
University of Liverpool
Alexandre Leupin (Louisiana State University), ‘Edouard Glissant: Beyond the Master and
the Slave’
Tuesday 5th December 2017
University of Liverpool
Dr Christienna Fryar, University of Liverpool - How to talk about emancipation without
talking about abolitionists
Tuesday 10th April 2018
University of Liverpool
Supply chains, transparency and modern slavery: beyond compliance
Wednesday 20th June 2018
Exhibition Centre Liverpool (ECL)
Speakers: Alex Balch (University of Liverpool), Linn Aakvik (FLEX), Penny Street (Co-Op
Group) Leona Vaughn (University of Liverpool), Quintin Lake (Fifty Eight) Libby Annat,
Professor Manisha Sinha, University of Connecticut - Slave Resistance and the Making of
American Abolition
Wednesday 20th June 2018
International Slavery Museum
Technically Speaking: The Mechanics of Race and the Machineries of Blackness
Wednesday 27th June 2018
University of Liverpool
Speakers: Dr Aretha Phiri (Rhodes University) & Dr Nydia Swaby (SOAS University of
Mapping and Mobilising Slavery Heritage
Monday 23rd July 2018
University of Liverpool
Speakers: Wazi Apoh (University of Ghana), Benjamin Warinsie Kankpeyeng (University of
Ghana), Mark Seyram Amenyo-Xa (University of Ghana), Dr Lennon Mhishi (University of
Liverpool), Dr Richard Benjamin (International Slavery Museum), Zachary Kingdon (National
Museums Liverpool), Jane Webster (Newcastle University)