2016-17 Events Archive

See below details of events during the academic year 2016-17 that CSIS organised, supported or hosted.

Mads Anders Baggesgaard, Aarrhus University: Literatures of Slavery Workshop
Wednesday 10th August 2016
University of Liverpool

Mark Christian, City University of New York - ‘Frederick Douglass and his Trip to Britain, 1845-
1847: with special reference to Liverpool’
Thursday 22nd September 2016
University of Liverpool 

Jesús Sanjurjo, University of Leeds - ‘The wolf by the ears’: defining anti-slave trade
discourses in early 19th Spanish Empire’
Thursday 13th October 2016
University of Liverpool 

Laura Sandy, University of Liverpool - Slave Stealing: An Investigation into Human Property
Theft in the American South. Event co-hosted with History Department at University of
Wednesday 26th October 2016
University of Liverpool 

John Belchem, University of Liverpool - ‘Before the Windrush: race relations in 20th century
Thursday 24th November 2016 
University of Liverpool 

Sarah Lentz, University of Bremen - Of Armchair Activists and "Good Germans". The Spread of
Anti-Slavery Sentiment in the German Territories, 1770-1815
Wednesday 30th November 2016
University of Liverpool 

FLMG (Forced Labour Monitoring Group) Event
Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd December 2016
University of Hull

Rebekka von Mallinckrodt, University of Bremen - Book Launch: ‘Slavery Hinterland’ (ISM)
Wednesday 7th December 2016
International Slavery Museum

Antislavery Usable Past Seminar - Speakers: Mary Wills (University of Hull), Rebecca Nelson
(University of Hull) & Katie Donington (University of Nottingham)
Tuesday 7th February 2017 
University of Liverpool

SOLD – Film Screening, followed by panel discussion featuring Alex Balch (University of
Liverpool) and the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner
Tuesday 21st February 2017
International Slavery Museum 

Fresh Start: Integrating Survivors of Modern Slavery
Wednesday 1st March 2017
International Slavery Museum 

James Heartfield (University of Westminster) & Richard Huzzey (Durham University) - From
Anti-Slavery to Empire
Wednesday 22nd March 2017 
The Athenaeum 

Rebekka von Mallinckrodt, University of Bremen - Trafficked Children in the Holy Roman
Empire – Forgotten Victims of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Wednesday 29th March 2017
International Slavery Museum 

Caroline M. Kisiel, DePaul University School for New Learning Chicago - Early 19th Century
British Travellers in the Ohio Valley
Thursday 18th May 2017
University of Liverpool 

Lisa Merrill, Hofstra University - Spectacularising Black Bodies on 19th Century Stages
Tuesday 27th June 2017
International Slavery Museum 

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