Frank Cirillo, University of Virginia - "Anglo-American Abolitionism and the Union War, 1861-
Thursday 8th October 2015 (5pm)
University of Liverpool
Amanda Berlan, Coventry University, - Ethics and Fair Trade
Thursday 22nd October 2015 (5pm)
University of Liverpool
Book launch: Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants
Monday 9th November 2015 (5pm)
International Slavery Museum
Speakers: Hannah Lewis, Louise Waite (Leeds University) Gary Craig, Klara Skrivankova (ASI)
FLMG (Forced Labour Monitoring Group) Workshop
Thursday 19th November 2015 (12-5pm)
International Slavery Museum
Andrea Livesey, University of Liverpool - “A Southern ‘Culture of Abuse’: Sex Trafficking and
Sexual Slavery in the Nineteenth-Century US South”
Thursday 26th November 2015 (5pm)
University of Liverpool
Maria Helena P T Machado, University of São Paulo - ‘Louis Agassiz and William James:
Perspectives on the Formation of a Racial Photograpic Collection in late nineteenth century
Thursday 28th January 2016
International Slavery Museum
David Olusoga - ‘Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners’. Event co-hosted with Liverpool John
Moores University (LJMU)
Monday 1st February 2016 (4-6pm)
Raphael Hoermann, University of Central Lancashire - 'The Haitian Gothic: Between
Demonisation and Celebration of the Haitian Revolution'
Thursday 11th February 2016 (5-6pm)
University of Liverpool
Michael Morris, Liverpool John Moores University - 'Scotland and the Caribbean: Atlantic
Thursday 18th February 2016 (5-6pm)
University of Liverpool
Fair Trade and Supply Chains: History, Policy and Action
Tuesday 1st March 2016 (4-6pm)
International Slavery Museum
Holly Pinheiro, University of Iowa - 'Redefining citizenship and manhood: Black Civil War
Soldiers and Pensions'
Thursday 10th March 2016 (5-6pm)
University of Liverpool
CSIS Annual Lecture - Kevin Hyland OBE, UK AntiSlavery Commissioner
Monday 14th march 2016 (5:30-7:30pm)
International Slavery Museum
'Subscriptions, Schooling, and Slavery', Sophie Jones (University of Liverpool), plus Lawrence
Westgaph and Alex Robinson
Saturday 19th March 2016 (2-3pm)
Bluecoat Chambers
Contemporary Slavery & Exploitation Workshop: Participants – Alex Balch (Liverpool) Nicola
Phillips (Sheffield), Gary Craig (Durham), Claire Falconer (FLEX), Louise Waite (Leeds)
Friday 22nd April 2016
University of Liverpool
David Wyatt, Cardiff University - ‘Melkorka: a story of an enslaved Irish princess and the
traffic in women in the northern world c.950-1250’. Event co-organised with Liverpool Centre
for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (LCMRS)
Monday 25th April 2016 )5pm - 6pm)
University of Liverpool
Carolyn Jones Medine, University of Georgia - 'Sojourner Truth and Formation of African
American Woman’s Voice'
Tuesday 26th April 2016 (5-6pm)
University of Liverpool Campus
Lucienne Loh, University of Liverpool - Contemporary Legacies & Literatures of Slavery
Friday 29th April 2016
University of Liverpool
International Festival of Business (IFB) Pre-Event - Federation of Small Businesses (branch
meeting) – Guidance on Ethical Supply Chains
Wednesday 8th June 2016 (5:30pm)
University of Liverpool
International Festival of Business (IFB) ‘Edge’ Event - Andrew Wallis OBE - ‘Business and
Modern Slavery: Transparency and Supply Chains’
Tuesday 14th June 2016 (2-3pm)
Bluecoat Chambers
FLMG Forced Labour Monitoring Group Event
Thursday 30th June 2016