Accessing software
A wide range of software, including specialist subject software, is available to staff and students to support you with your work:
On Campus
Software is available on the Managed Windows Service (MWS).
Off Campus
Use Apps Anywhere to access software, and your M drive, through a web browser (such as Internet Explorer).
On your own computer
You can download software to install on your own home PC/Mac/laptop or any non-MWS machine (licence terms apply).
Conditions of use
You can use site-licence or Microsoft software to support the activities directly associated with your University membership, this includes your personal development but excludes any use for the business of the NHS, commercial activities or use by persons other than yourself.
When you stop being a member of the University, or if these licences terminate, your legal right to use the software ends.
In many cases, there are additional conditions when installing particular items of software on your own machine. These conditions will be available to you at the point of purchase/download.