Leaving the University?

If you are leaving the University, whether you are a student or a member of University staff, your computing account will be closed and your data (email and files) will be deleted. See IT Acceptable Use Policy Section 2.2 IT facilities when users leave.

You will receive an email from IT Services advising you of the precise dates on which this will occur. For a general overview of the timeline, please refer to the relevant section below.

If you are a student

Your student computing account (and all related services) will remain active until after your official end date (or graduation date, if this is later). You will receive an email two weeks before that date with details about when your account will be closed.
If you are an undergraduate returning as a postgraduate your account will be automatically extended once your course details have been updated to reflect your new programme of study. You will not receive the warning email providing you have made a formal application for your postgraduate course. Once you have done so, and your course details have been updated, your computing account will be in order.

If you are a member of University staff

You will lose access to your computing account from the date University's HR records show that your employment at the University of Liverpool has come to an end. One month after that date your account including all of your files and data will be deleted. 

You may receive an email warning prior to your access being removed. Please be aware that we will be unable to extend access to your account after your leave date.

Please be aware that there will be legal requirements, University policy and contractual obligations, including specific confidentiality clauses or settlement agreements, that members of staff must comply with when exiting University employment. These obligations will limit what information or emails staff are allowed to retain, extract or take copies of before leaving.

Your rights to use any site licensed software will cease and should be removed from your computer(s) at that time.

All University-provided IT equipment must be returned.

If you receive a notification about your account being closed but believe that you will be continuing your contract of employment with the University beyond the leave date quoted in the email, we recommend the following:

  • Check your contract dates in TULIP.  Login to TULIP and navigate to Administration > Personal Details > Computing Services Registration Information
  • If you believe the date is wrong you will need to contact your department administrator. IT services cannot change this date on your behalf.  

If you are taking up an honorary appointment with the University immediately following a paid appointment, please ensure that your Head of Department has informed your departmental administrator to ensure any appropriate continued access to systems is arranged as quickly as possible. 

If you are a Line Manager

Please discuss information handover with the staff member before they leave to ensure that relevant information and work correspondence is transferred to appropriate shared storage that the remaining team can access as needed. Please refer to the Human Resources intranet which includes Information & Records Management Guide and Leavers Checklist. Please also search in the IT Services Self-service portal ‘Leaving the University’ for advice on transferring recordings, Microsoft forms etc from a staff one drive to relevant shared storage.

There will be limitations on the data the staff member can take with them. 

If a staff member has already left and has not been able to complete an information handover, please refer to Information Access Requests FAQ.