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We are the explorers. We are shaping the key geographical debates of the 21st Century. Find out what’s unique about studying Geography at Liverpool and explore related programmes.

of BSC Geography students agree the course has provided them with opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different topics
NSS, 2021
and one of the best-known Spatial Planning (also known as Civic Design) schools in the world
One of the longest established Geography University departments in the world
Watch on Panopto: Geography Promotional Video

Geography Promotional Video

Meet us

Whether you're interested in undergraduate or master's study, or looking for postgraduate research opportunities, come along to our events to meet us and find out more about studying at Liverpool.

I picked geography because of the breadth of the subject. It's one of the few subjects where you can develop an understanding of contemporary social science alongside cutting-edge natural science. Geography is applicable to pretty much every aspect of life. In third year in particular, you get a lot of elective modules with a very broad spectrum and can really satisfy your intellectual intrigue.

Dan Wilberforce, BSc (Hons) Geography

Virtual tour

Watch on Panopto: A day in the life of Geography student Aidan

A day in the life of Geography student Aidan