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Code: POLI130

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 1

This module looks at the international politics of the Middle East, focusing primarily onidentity and security issues. At a general level, it seeks to provide a comprehensive account of the issues on the security agenda of governments and international organizations at a time of turbulence and change in the Arabworld. It takes the broader view of security as understood within the field of International Relations. Thus, in addition to the study of causes of conflict and co-operation, it is concerned with a wider range of issues that have the potential to bring greater political stability or instability. The nature of regimes and the significance of democratisation efforts for regional stabilityare central concerns of the module. It involves analysis of state structures, the pattern of relations between states, the political economy, new transnational movements, the role of identity and belief systems and the involvement of external powers.Special attention is paid to the Arab-Israeli conflict and other regional conflicts.