The purpose of this module is to support students to further develop their understanding of topics taught in WIRR010. Students will further develop their application of research methods and statistics, and be introduced to some inferential tests. At the end of the module, students will demonstrate their understanding of inferential statistics in psychology and present them correctly in a report. In addition, students will develop subject-specific terminology, as well as an understanding of applying statistics in research. This module will prepare students for future modules in year 1, 2 and 3, particularly in understanding research methods and statistics. The module will be taught via 11 weeks of 4 hour classes, composed of 2 x 2 hour lessons. These are small group teaching sessions containing fewer than 20 students per class. Learning will be assessed via a research report and short answer question examination. Material will be available to students via the VLE (e.g., lecture slides, online activities, group discussion forum, formative and summative feedback).