CDEN261 is a 30 credit Paediatric Dentistry pathway module which is part of the DDSc programme. This module provides students with the underpinning knowledge and skills required to practice Paediatric Dentistry at level 7. It is one of two foundation modules required in the Paediatric Dentistry pathway.
The module will allow the students to gain cognitive, psychomotor and interpersonal skills in the diagnosis, treatment planning and provision of core clinical practice in Paediatric Dentistry. The module is mapped to the GDC learning outcomes for specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry.
CDEN261 will be taught within the School of Dentistry and supervised clinical teaching will be delivered in the Paediatric Dentistry department of the Liverpool University Dental Hospital. This will involve assessing children with age ranges between 0 to 16 on new patient clinics, leading to formulating a diagnosis, recognising the effect of child physical, behavioural and cognitive development on their ability to accept dental treatment and devising treatment plans including those that may be delivered under sedation and general anaesthesia.
Students are expected to complete independent reading in preparation for regular seminars/tutorials held throughout the module. The students will participate in discussions around the current evidence-base in the literature. It would be expected that supplementary resources found by students would be critically appraised and discussed as appropriate to the module content and best practice in Paediatric Dentistry.
A range of assessment strategies will be used to assess the learning outcomes. The assessment strategies are based on the Paediatric Dentistry GDC curriculum including continuous work based assessment and personal development portfolio and two end of module summative examinations consisting of a written examination and a structured clinical examination.