This module develops the content delivered in year two relating to the investigation and management of concomitant and incomitant strabismus and amblyopia. The module is one of two in the final year that are part of a series of six modules (including ORTH 137, ORTH140, ORTH237, ORTH240, ORTH330) that occur in each semester of the programme to deliver the fundamental skills and underpinning theoretical knowledge for orthoptic practice. On successful completion of the module students will be able to evaluate the investigation and management options for concomitant and incomitant strabismus in a clinical setting. The majority of the module will be time spent in a variety of clinical placement sites, with this experience being recorded by the student and clinical tutors using an electronic portfolio system. Cinical experiences will be consolidated at university through goal setting and review with academic advisors and small group tutorial discussions. The module will be assessed via a two part practical clinical examination, ongoing practical assessment on clinical placement and clinical portfolio. Students will be expected to actively engage with clinical placement experiences by setting personal goals and objectives, writing up cases seen, reflecting on clinical practice and acting on feedback given by clinical tutors. Students will also be expected to continuously consult academic notes and text books in relation to cases seen to facilitate the integration of academic knowledge with clinical practise. As part of the reflection within this level 6 module, students will be required to refer to published literature where appropriate and evaluate their own practise with respect to that literature.