This module deepens knowledge with critical evaluation of the investigation and management of concomitant and incomitant strabismus and amblyopia. It is one of two modules in the final year ( and part of a series of six throughout the programme) that address content related to orthoptic theory and practice. During the course of the module, additional orthoptic theory will be delivered alongside the evidence base that underpins orthoptic clinical practice. On completion of the module, successful students will be able to critically evaluate their own clinical practice as well as critique the practice of the orthoptic profession more generally, supporting this with reference to published research. In order to develop these themes, the module will be delivered through a range of asynchronous re-cap lectures and on campus clinical skills sessions that reinforce material relating to fundamental orthoptic principles covered in Year One and specific orthoptic conditions covered in Year Two. As the module progresses, a combination of interactive synchronous seminars and tutorials will be utilised to develop the student’s ability to evaluate clinical practice and critique published literature relating to specific conditions and clinical practice in order to become a competent practitioner. The assessment of the module will be a combination of a clinical case scenario practical examination (computer based), an un-seen written examination and an oral presentation.